May 6, 2024

EP: 0410 - Female Led Relationships - Information about the ladies group

EP: 0410 - Female Led Relationships - Information about the ladies group

Hey! I see you! Have a question for me, you can privately text me here!

A lovely lady reached out via my website inquiring about the ladies group that I hold monthly and I wanted to get this episode out quick to answer that question as the next ladies group is this week.  There is also some information about the men's group that will be starting up in July for any men looking for a space to talk about their submissive struggles, victories or just questions in general.  If you need/want more information about either of these groups you can reach out via email at or via my website (both linked below).

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00:00 - Krystine  (Host)
Welcome back from windy Minnesota Bringing you, oh and my subby's here, hi, subby, hey, how's? 

00:07 - Subby (Co-host)
it going. 

00:08 - Krystine  (Host)
He's a regular fixture on my fucking podcast lately. Okay, here we are answering questions. We are on a morning walk, yep, as you will maybe hear. 

00:17 - Subby (Co-host)
This is where we have some privacy to do said thing. 

00:20 - Krystine  (Host)
So these questions come from my website. If you have a question that you would like me to answer on the podcast, you can go to my website, christinekelloggcom. Correct? Christine is K-R-Y-S-T-I-N-E. Yep, and if you have a question you want to post in there and ask me and I can answer it on the podcast, discreetly, of course, unless you want your name mentioned, yep. 

00:40 - Subby (Co-host)
So here we are. There's also a voice option where you can leave a voice message. We'll play that on the podcast if you so choose. 

00:46 - Krystine  (Host)
And we can change your voice if you would like it to be unrecognizable. We would be absolutely fantastic at advertisements. 

00:52 - Subby (Co-host)

00:53 - Krystine  (Host)
We're so good. 

00:55 - Subby (Co-host)
Like we're so good at the audio thing now, because that's what we do for a living that we can change your voice if need be. Yes, Also sign up for the mailing list if you'd like to receive emails, email a newsletter, update things, or I'm working on not some, not some crusty newsletter, either it'll be. It's like just a little hey, this, what's going on, this is what we're up to, kind of thing, whatever should I do an audio newsletter? 

01:18 - Krystine  (Host)
hey, fan, uh, yeah, we could do something like that kind of fun, wouldn't it read it in a seductive voice? Just because, well, yeah, anyway, let's explore that later. Yeah, we're getting off track. Fuck, I was going to say something and now I can't remember. 

01:31 - Subby (Co-host)
I'm so sorry. 

01:33 - Krystine  (Host)
I was saying we would be good advertisers. Oh, down the pipe. I would like to create a female-led relationship course. Yes, of some variety. 

01:43 - Subby (Co-host)
yes, of some variety, I know I've been talking about it for some time, but we are taking some steps forward. Yeah, because we have a shit ton of content, although we have a shit ton less of content because our youtube was brought down yes, I would like to add in the men's group is starting up. 

01:56 - Krystine  (Host)
Yep, if you are interested in joining the men's group, you have to join my patreon, unless your wife is already a member for the ladies group or you you are already a member of my Patreon. It will be starting soon. If you're interested in more details, you can reach me at christinekellogg at gmailcom with questions and I will promptly respond. 

02:16 - Subby (Co-host)
What a fantastic segue to the question. Tell me the things. The question of the day comes from Elle. We're not saying the full name because we don't know if you want your name said, but we'll say Elle for now. Okay, a female. Oh, I love it. Yes, love the ladies. Found your podcast this afternoon. Yay. If you're new to the podcast, welcome. Yes, and if you've listened for a while, thank you. 

02:39 - Krystine  (Host)
Yeah, thanks for staying. Those first ones are rough. 

02:41 - Subby (Co-host)
All the for staying those first all the things. Anyways, going back to the question from lovely l, I found your podcast this afternoon and I'm so happy I did. You mentioned on one of your podcasts that you have a woman's group that meets once a month. Is this for the patreon group or how can I join? 

02:58 - Krystine  (Host)
Okay, so let's break it down for anybody that's interested, I guess, on what these ladies groups are all about. So we've been doing them for a little over a year now. You join my Patreon at the $10 tier and you get access to all of my content on my Patreon, which now we're doing morning walk talks yeah, similar to this, but unedited, raw and who knows what the fuck we're going to talk about, because it's whatever our ADD brains want to talk about that day. But it's still just got the feel FLR flavor. 

Yes, Anyway there are other tiers. If you want one-on-one chats with me, it's like 25 bucks for 30 minutes and 50 bucks for 60 minutes. Yep Audio or video. Audio or video Yep, okay, so enough of that. So the ladies group has been going on for about a year and I have about four or five ladies that really regularly come, sometimes more, sometimes less. It just depends on what people have going on in their lives. They're the second Thursday of every month, yep. 

04:00 - Subby (Co-host)
Also now we are starting a men's group. 

04:04 - Krystine  (Host)
Yes, and we started doing the ladies group and then we're like, hey, it'd be kind of fun if our men could join Yep. So then we did one that was couples Yep and we decided we wanted to do that like quarterly Yep. So our next one is coming up for the quarterly men Yep, and then after that the men are going to venture off on their own and start the men's group, which will also meet once a month I just don't know the day Correct. So that's how we got back to the whole pump of Patreon Yep, that you just join the Patreon unless your wife is already a member. You obviously have access to the Zoom link Right and we just talk about whatever Sometimes it's. And we just talk about whatever Sometimes it's. What areas are you struggling in? Or this happened and I don't know if I handled it well, or this happened and what would you guys recommend that I could have done differently, or whatever. 

It's just really it's an even playing field. Yeah, it's just a really safe place to talk about the thing, 100%. The men's group will be very similar, obviously geared towards the men. I know you didn't ask about that, but it might be beneficial in case you're listening for the upcoming couples group. I like to. I want to dive into different topics, like how do you handle being in a female-led relationship if there's past traumas that could be triggered, or things like that. So sometimes I try to come up with a topic of some sort to discuss. I don't know. 

05:23 - Subby (Co-host)
And that's that for that right. 

05:25 - Krystine  (Host)

05:25 - Subby (Co-host)
The point, though. Okay, so the Patreon has two points. Actually, the podcast needs to pay for itself, right? So that's really what we're looking for from the Patreon. Just, you know, there's hosting for the podcast itself, there's hosting for the website, and you know we just want things to pay for themselves Other costs that are involved in the podcast. That's one of the points of the Patreon, but the bigger point is actually the community. Right, there are thousands of people listening to this podcast every month, but we know a tiny percentage of them We've interacted or gotten reached out to from a very small percentage, right, and the whole point of the podcast was to create this community, to find this community of people that can share ideas and share tips and share struggles and victories and be a community. Now, we don't all necessarily have to be besties, right, but we have this thing that's in common, and often, too often, when you start this type of relationship, you feel like you're on an island. 

I sure did, and we did really, you know and again, that's getting back to why this podcast was started. So we want to bring all the islands together into a tropical bliss right where we can hang out, you know, whether that's on the monthly Zoom meetings or if there's maybe a chat channel that's created, or gatherings right. Right now we're in Minnesota. If you're in Minnesota, hit us up. Throughout the winter we were in different states and we totally could have done things in those different states. 

07:15 - Krystine  (Host)
We have said this too. 

Winter was kind of a live or die type situation and I think in full transparency, that's part of the reason the podcast had fallen off is because we were so focused on the things that were going to make us money and this podcast doesn't. 

And it makes me really sad because obviously I care more about my message and my passion for what this podcast stands for than I do about the money. But now it's getting to the point where I just don't have the time to put the effort that I need to put into all of the KFLR related things and it just is falling by the wayside. And I hate that because I am so passionate about this podcast and you know I think part of it too and I said this on a previous episode that we're kind of at a not a stalemate, but we're kind of at a holding pattern right now and I think part of me kind of felt like maybe I shouldn't be doing the podcast because we're not real active and then thinking about it more, this is absolutely the perfect time to do the podcast, because everybody goes through this at some point or another. 

08:14 - Subby (Co-host)
You just life gets in the way or something happens and yeah, and and you know, we've said this over and over too this relationship isn't a porn, right? It's real and it's day-to-day and it's daily grind shit, but it's the relationship between two people. It's what you choose to do, and just because it doesn't look like a porn every fucking day doesn't mean you're not leading a female-led relationship. There's just certain flavors of it, certain seasons of it, and that's okay. 

08:44 - Krystine  (Host)
I will say this I think because we were in this dynamic, or are in this dynamic, or however you want to put it, I think because of this dynamic maybe that's the right way to put it I think that's why we made it through this winter without killing each other, maybe yeah, I mean, we had a strong foundation and while we didn't communicate the greatest all the time because we're in uncharted territory, you know, he's now like my boss I mean, it's my company, but he's kind of like my boss and we have to navigate what that's like but we made it through. I think we are on a track back. I think that the ladies group helps me a ton. The ladies are very supportive. I love my ladies and the ladies group and. 

And I think we will get there. I think I just have to be patient, and patient is not one of my stronger suits, patience. 

09:32 - Subby (Co-host)
Right. Well, we're coming into spring. Spring is, you know, everything is budding again new beginnings, all that kind of stuff. So I guess, with that frame of mind, it's it's time to ramp things up again. Often, winter for a lot of people is like the winter blues, you know, and that plays a part in, and could play a part in your, your female-led relationship as well. So it's all the things, and we're human fucking beings and it's okay to not be at your top level every fucking day. So be you and be good to your husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, mate, whatever. Be good to them and it goes both ways and just communicate. And we've been saying that forever. 

10:19 - Krystine  (Host)
Yes, so this is kind of a shorty yep, but I hope that that answered your question l about the ladies group. If you have any other questions and like I said, I think I responded if that's a pretty recent one, I'm sure I have by now hopefully you made it to the ladies group and we have met and had a great conversation. 

10:39 - Subby (Co-host)
And stay tuned for the men's group and if you haven't joined, please do check it out just you can come. 

10:45 - Krystine  (Host)
You don't even have to turn your camera on. We all turn our camera on, but you haven't joined. Please do Check it out. You don't even have to turn your camera on. We all turn our camera on, but you don't have to turn your camera on if you're not comfortable. You can just hang out and listen and see what you think. It really makes my whole month, if I'm being honest. I really love getting together and catching up and I hope the men's group is the same for you guys. 

11:00 - Subby (Co-host)
I'm sure it will be. 

11:06 - Krystine  (Host)
Again, if you have a question you want me to answer, hit me up on my website, christinekelloggcom. K-r-y-s-t-i-n-e. I hope you have a fantastic week. Stay well, be healthy, stay safe. Love you all.